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Coal Composition

Coal has the main composition of carbon , and carbon in a nature make a chemical reaction to build their substances. These substances are varying and have their own name depend on the composition on their chain. Carbon in their chemical chain usually called as carbonates that have many name of these substances . The mineral that usually available on coal are as follows: Silicates: Clay minerals: Kaolinite Al 2 Si 2 O 3 (OH) 4 Illite Montmorillonite Chlorite Mixed layer clays Others: Quartz SiO 2 Chalcedony SiO 2 Feldspar KAlSi 3 O 4 Tourmaline NaMg 3 Al 6 B 3 Si 6 O 27 (OH) 4 Sulphides: Pyrite FeS 2 Marcasite FeS 2 Sphalerite ZnS Galena PbS Carbonates: Calcite CaCO 3 Dolomite (CaMg)CO 3 Siderite FeCO 3 Aroganite CaCO 3 Ankerite (FeMgCa)CO 3 Dawsonite NaAlCO 3 (OH) 2 Strontianite SrCO 3 Sulphates: Gypsum CaSO 4 .2H 2 O Barite BaSO 4 Anhydrite CaSO 4 Coquimbite Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 2 .9H 2 O Szomolnokite NaFe 3 (SO 4 ) 2 (OH) 6 Other mine...

CO The Poisonous Gas

CO or Carbon Monoxide is a poisonous gas, CO gas is formed from imperfect combustion of carbon substance that is come from many source, such as coal, petrol fuel and many others . Poisonous gas is consisting of elements that threat to our live. The poisonous gas can enter to our body through of many ways, through breath of nose, permeated to the skin, and from injection. Poisonous gases usually colorless and no smell but threat to our environment seriously. The common gases that destroy our environment are CO and H2S . The poisonous gas exposed to our environment in two model; chronic and acute. Chronic Expose: Expose for long time Affected to hemoglobin Feel getting flu such as headache Cause weakened to our health resilience Carbon monoxide is one of this reasons Carbon Monoxide Data: Colorless, smelliness, flammable LEL 12.5% Very poison; can absorb oxygen 200 – 300 time faster than oxygen in the hemoglobin Exposures: PEL/TWA 25 ppm C 20...

Flammable Liquid

Flammable liquid is defined that the liquid easy to be fired. But the easiest of each liquid or gasses have scale, on the chemical engineer this material is being classes as in the table below. As on the table describe of boiling point, flash point and ignition temperature of each material. Boiling point is the temperature which the material beginning to boil like water will boil at 100 oC at 1 atmosphere pressure. Flash point is the lowest temperature at which material will ignite, but flash point is not autoignite, at which material will fired by itself. Flammable liquid is grouping into their gas group, the group of flammable liquid is just use for using an equipment that is suitable for this environment. Some equipment is not suitable with this liquid properties and can make broken to certain equipment if forced using on this environment. Ignition temperature is the point that material will starting fired when put in heat source into the material. Group specification and charact...

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

Hydrogen sulfide has a chemical formula as H2S. H2S is a gas that forms naturally in crude oil, natural gas, and water with high sulfur concentrations (sour water). H2S is soluble in water, and may be released out of the water if there is change in the pH, line pressure, and /or temperature. Some of the process areas may generate potentially fatal concentrations of H2S. These sources could be from raw materials, process reactions, or exposure of materials during a fire. Flare systems handle large volumes of H2S. Any process flare or vent equipment entry could expose personnel to deadly concentrations of H2S. Some streams downstream of refineries may also contain potentially fatal concentrations of H2S. (Contact your local facility safety representatives for a list of specific equipment, which may contain H2S) H2S is a flammable substance, incomplete combustion of H2S may cause the formation of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2). SO2 is also very toxic, and precautions should be taken to avo...

Arsenic Trioxide (As2O3)

Dear All, On the bellow story is about the reaction effect that caused by bad our environment. Many industrial waste contain chemical that can’t be proceed by our body, or animal body like shrimp or crab from sea or river. If the chemicals consume by our body or animals body then accumulate on the body and can cause cancer. If scrimp accumulate risk chemicals on their body and then consume by us then we can poisonous or accumulate again in our body. This story is happened in Manado, Indonesia. Woman suddenly die after eat scrimp but don’t because of suicide, all the body sense exert blood, what happened to this woman. After observed, the habit of this woman always consume Vitamin C every day for keeping their body vitality. This habit is no problem for her health, the last time of their life this woman is eat much of scrimps, and this is also not the cause of her dying. She is not consume scrimp alone, other family also eat this scrimp and no problem for others. On the next ob...

Sodium Chloride or Common Salt

History: The salt industry is as old as humankind. Salt has long an essential part of the human diet. It has served as an object of worship and as a medium of exchange, lumps of salt being used in Tibet and Mongolia for money. Its distribution was employed as a political weapon by ancient governments, and in Oriental countries high taxes were placed on salt. Salt is a vital basic commodity for life but is also a source of many of the chemical that are now the mainstay of our complex industrial civilization. The world “salary” is derived from the word “salt.” Uses and Economics: Sodium chloride is the basic raw material of a material of a great many chemical compounds, such as sodium hydroxide, sodium sulfate, hydrochloric acid, sodium phosphates and sodium chlorate and chlorite, and it is the source of many other compounds through its derivatives. Practically all the chlorine produced in the world is manufacture by electrolysis of sodium chloride. Salt is used in the regeneration ...

Nitrogen Cycle

All living organisms participate in the nitrogen cycle, which encompasses the process and chemical reaction involved in producing organic nitrogen from inorganic nitrogen and subsequently breaking down organic nitrogen back to the inorganic form. Ammonification The cycle begins to form ammonia, NH3: the electrical energy of lightning drives the reaction. Ammonia combines with rain and becomes available to green plants as dilute nitric acid, HNO3. Ammonia is also derived from the breakdown of proteins that constitute plant and animal cells. This chemical , combined with the products of photosynthesis, is used to form amino acids, which are the basic components of plant proteins. Animals eat the plant proteins, break them down into amino acids during the process of digestion, and recombine them to form their own particular forms of protein in order to build tissues and organs of their bodies. Denitrification Certain soil bacteria convert nitrogen containing compounds into ammonia a...