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Showing posts with the label asbestos

Asbestos Already Banned

The using of asbestos material is banned in several countries, because of several cases have founded people sick because of asbestos effect. Since asbestos related disease has been identified by medical profession in the late 1920s, workers compensation cases were filed and resolved in secrecy, with a flood of litigation starting in the United States in the 1970s. Mainly in individually brought cases for terminal cases of asbestosis and cancers. Some countries that already banned using of asbestos material as follows: International law Australia Brazil Canada France India Italy Japan South Korea New Zealand United Kingdom United States And some diseases have known causes by asbestos as below: Asbestosis - A lung disease first found in textile workers, asbestosis is a scarring of the lung tissue from an acid produced by the body's attempt to dissolve the fibers. The scarring may eventually become so severe that the lungs can no longer function. The latency period ...

Asbestos Legislation

Legislation about asbestos in each country already settle, and each country have their own regulation about using asbestos. To enforce of the compliance to the regulation, some country using many aid like OHS enforcement and safety officer. The Asbestos-related Claims (Management of Commonwealth Liabilities) Act 2005 provides for Comcare to assume and manage the common law asbestos-related conditions liabilities of the Australian Government and, with certain exceptions, its agencies and controlled companies. Type of enforcement to comply with this regulation through several ways such as follows. There are a range of enforcement actions that may be applied by Comcare when OHS legislative obligations are not met by duty holders. All employers, employees and other parties who have duties under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991 (OHS Act) are subject to the compliance, enforcement and penalty provisions of the OHS Act. The maximum penalty for criminal breaches of the OH...