Oxalic acid is an organic compound is a colorless solid crystalline that dilute in water and make a colorless solution. Oxalic acid have chemical formula C 2 H 2 O 4 is classified as simple dicarboxylic acid, the strong of this acid is greater than acetic acid or vinegar. Oxalic acid often found in many plants and vegetables, also produce in the body by metabolism of glyoxylic acid or ascorbic acid. This acid is not metabolized by our body but excreted through urine. Too much oxalic acid in our body can react with calcium become calcium oxalc stone, can make problem for kidney. Plant that contain of high oxalic acid like in Asparagus. Oxalic Acid Oxalic acid many uses in anodizing aluminum to make black anodized color, use in anodizing oxalic bath for anodizing process. Oxalic acid also use as bleaching agent for both wood and stone. When exposed to the elements, can turn gray. When oxalic acid applied to old and graying wood floor, it brings wood floor to natural white colo...