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Chemical Process Using Electric Current

Chemical process using electric current commonly called as electrochemical, but for general people this name may don’t familiar. Named by Electrochemical because on the process involved the chemicals and electrical, so the whole process called as electrochemical. Electrochemical is not just happened in plant or industry or laboratory, this process also always happened in nature. This process can go and trigger by any different voltage surround the chemicals substance. The different voltage on the environment of certain substance can Electrochemical Cell cause the reaction happened. For example the process of corrode, because of any voltage different make iron that stick to copper can be corroded faster than other metal that don’t stacked to copper metal. This condition used to happen on Air Conditioner tubing. Other metal in AC corroded faster than other iron on other product. Now this condition have been avoided by replace the metal with plastic material. On the process of e

Piling Sulfur Can Be Dangerous

If you have huge of sulfur, usually this material will be piled in somewhere. But you must be carefure to keep this material in better condition because sometimes on unsuitable condition this sulfur can be very flammable because they are reacted with atmosphere air. Some precaution on storing sulfur should be attention like don't make this material hot or rise temperature pile make the sulfur can react with air into other flammable substance like Hidrogen Sulfide (H2S) or react with air become Sulfur dioxide (SO2). Even the fire exist because of this reaction is not big but the effect of burning of gas H2S can create SO2 gas that is dangerous to our live. People can't stand long time on the existance of this gas, so if huge gas exist on the atmosphere can make people collapse because shortage of oxygen and irritant effect on the our respiratory system. On the storage must avoid from mixing with chlorate and nitrate agent, or other oxidizing agent because this sulfur can c

Asbestos Already Banned

The using of asbestos material is banned in several countries, because of several cases have founded people sick because of asbestos effect. Since asbestos related disease has been identified by medical profession in the late 1920s, workers compensation cases were filed and resolved in secrecy, with a flood of litigation starting in the United States in the 1970s. Mainly in individually brought cases for terminal cases of asbestosis and cancers. Some countries that already banned using of asbestos material as follows: International law Australia Brazil Canada France India Italy Japan South Korea New Zealand United Kingdom United States And some diseases have known causes by asbestos as below: Asbestosis - A lung disease first found in textile workers, asbestosis is a scarring of the lung tissue from an acid produced by the body's attempt to dissolve the fibers. The scarring may eventually become so severe that the lungs can no longer function. The latency period