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The Perfume Industry

The manufacture of perfume, cologne, and toilet water, collectively known as the fragrances, has undergone drastic changes in the past quarter century, prior to which perfumers were usually trained through apprenticeships in laboratories until working with traditional materials in well defined patterns, they achieved skill in mixing and blending. Only occasionally was a new and original odor developed, such as old spice, which is immediately won spontaneous and favourable response from consumers. Not many people realize how complex the creation of acceptable fragrance has become, it require professional knowledge, skill and experience, couple with specialization in synthetic chemistries technical problem, followed by consumer panel testing. This change has resulted from a number of factors; for example:
  1. Increase in the number of material ingredients, both natural and synthetic
  2. A variety of new type of product requiring fragrances
  3. Innovation in packaging especially aerosol sprays, virtually nonexistent before 1950, and other new forms of dispensing such as perfumes powders, cream and sachets, gels, lotion and stick.
  4. Broadened channel and method distribution including door to door selling, and
  5. Phenomenal growth in men’s toiletries.
These numerous recent development are in contrast to the main changes which took place earlier, the introduction of synthetic and improved method of obtaining true oils.

Perfumes takes its name from the Latin word Perfumare (to fill with smoke), since in it original form it was incense burned in Egyptian temple.
