The striking similarities in solvent properties existent between ammonia and water suggest that certain substituted ammonias might also function as non-aqueous solvents for inorganic substances. On the basic of structural considerations alone, any such characteristics might be expected to be more pronounced with hydroxylamine hydrazine, and the lower acid amides than with the primary, secondary, and tertiary amines. Since hydroxylamine and hydrazine are strictly inorganic in nature, they should also be of more interest than the substituted ammonia containing organic radicals. Hydroxylamine, containing as it does both the amide and the hydroxyl radicals, should show solvent properties corresponding to those of both ammonia and water. Although data on the physical constants of these two compounds are incomplete, the values summarized.
Early observation by Kohlschutter and Hofmann indicated rather striking resemblances between hydroxylamine and water in solvent character, salvation, amphoteric behavior, and ability to oxidize active metals. Such work as has been done on thin solvent supports these observation.
Detail information on solubilities in hydroxylamine is lacking, but early work by de Bruyn showd such materials as potassium iodide, bromide, and cyanide, barium hydroxide, and ammonia to be very soluble, with sodium and barium nitrates and sodium and potassium chlorides dissolving less readily. Solvolytic reaction doubtless accounted for the reactivity shown by anhydrous hydrocylamine toward many other substances.
Early observation by Kohlschutter and Hofmann indicated rather striking resemblances between hydroxylamine and water in solvent character, salvation, amphoteric behavior, and ability to oxidize active metals. Such work as has been done on thin solvent supports these observation.
Detail information on solubilities in hydroxylamine is lacking, but early work by de Bruyn showd such materials as potassium iodide, bromide, and cyanide, barium hydroxide, and ammonia to be very soluble, with sodium and barium nitrates and sodium and potassium chlorides dissolving less readily. Solvolytic reaction doubtless accounted for the reactivity shown by anhydrous hydrocylamine toward many other substances.