Today I follow a workshop of POPs that part of Stockholm covention in Jakarta arrange by Ministry of environtment. POPs is not about music or trending model, this is a Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that are chemical substances that persist in the environment, bioaccumulate through the food web, and pose a risk of causing adverse effects to human health and the environment. This group of priority pollutants consists of pesticides (such as DDT), industrial chemicals (such as polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs) and unintentional by-products of industrial processes (such as dioxins and furans).
Persistent Organic Pollutants are transported across international boundaries far from their sources, even to regions where they have never been used or produced. The ecosystems and indigenous people of the Arctic are particularly at risk because of the long-range environmental transportation and bio-magnification of these substances. Consequently, persistent organic pollutants pose a threat to the environment and to human health all over the globe.
The international community has called for actions to reduce and eliminate production, use and releases of these substances. To that end, two international legally binding instruments have been negotiated and concluded: The Protocol to the regional UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) on POPs, opened for signatures in June 1998 and entered into force on 23 October 2003
The global Stockholm Convention on POPs, opened for signatures in May 2001 and entered into force on 17 May 2004 These instruments establish strict international regimes for initial lists of POPs (16 in the UNECE Protocol and 12 in the Stockholm Convention). Both instruments also contain provisions for including additional chemicals into these lists. They lay down the following control measures: Prohibition or severe restriction of the production and use of intentionally produced POPsRestrictions on export and import of the intentionally produced POPs (Stockholm Convention)Provisions on the safe handling of stockpiles (Stockholm Convention)Provisions on the environmentally sound disposal of wastes containing POPsProvisions on the reduction of emissions of unintentionally produced POPs (e.g. dioxins and furans)New substances added to the Stockholm Convention in May 2009 and to the POP Protocol in December 2009.
Are there any new update about this convention, look further after workshop today. Cheer...
Persistent Organic Pollutants are transported across international boundaries far from their sources, even to regions where they have never been used or produced. The ecosystems and indigenous people of the Arctic are particularly at risk because of the long-range environmental transportation and bio-magnification of these substances. Consequently, persistent organic pollutants pose a threat to the environment and to human health all over the globe.
The international community has called for actions to reduce and eliminate production, use and releases of these substances. To that end, two international legally binding instruments have been negotiated and concluded: The Protocol to the regional UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) on POPs, opened for signatures in June 1998 and entered into force on 23 October 2003
The global Stockholm Convention on POPs, opened for signatures in May 2001 and entered into force on 17 May 2004 These instruments establish strict international regimes for initial lists of POPs (16 in the UNECE Protocol and 12 in the Stockholm Convention). Both instruments also contain provisions for including additional chemicals into these lists. They lay down the following control measures: Prohibition or severe restriction of the production and use of intentionally produced POPsRestrictions on export and import of the intentionally produced POPs (Stockholm Convention)Provisions on the safe handling of stockpiles (Stockholm Convention)Provisions on the environmentally sound disposal of wastes containing POPsProvisions on the reduction of emissions of unintentionally produced POPs (e.g. dioxins and furans)New substances added to the Stockholm Convention in May 2009 and to the POP Protocol in December 2009.
Are there any new update about this convention, look further after workshop today. Cheer...